Tag Archives: San Diego Comic Con


Sometimes trying something new isn’t always easy.

Hopping on board a train that has already started moving can be equally challenging! In an effort to help you out and lend you a hand to give my new series, SHADOW SENTRY a try; I put together a preview to give you a little taste. The first 14 pages of Book 1: Into the Eternal.

Keep in mind this has been an independent creation, no big names, no flashy company, just us little guys, with support from folks like you! I’m really proud of what we’ve created and think you’ll quickly see the passion that went into creating this first installment of SHADOW SENTRY.  I think it’s something new and old readers alike will enjoy! And I’ve already gotten great feedback and am very happy to report Book 1 has been well received!

But sometimes seeing is believing! So in an effort to make a believer out of you… check it out, see for yourself! Hit the link below to check out and download your free 14 page preview!


Shadow Sentry book 2 has been fully funded! I will deliver! So if you’d like to pre-order Book 2 (and get Book 1 while you’re at it, while supplies last!) and see where this story goes, please consider backing today! More backers unlocks more stretch goals, which means more cool freebies for everyone! Digital copies are an option too, but just a heads up, only physical backers of the book get the stretch-goals come fulfillment time.



Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy what you see and please feel free to reach out with any questions via the campaign page on Indiegogo! (The link above)


San Diego Comic Con 2015

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This years Comic Con was a blast! I’ll admit, it started out a little weird it felt as if something was missing, I can’t explain it. But as I walked around the show floor it all seemed to fade away, and the magic began. Luckily this year I was able to get into Artist Alley at the last minute! Usually I spend my time every year bugging the Artist Alley guys to get me into an open table, (when other artists don’t show) and I’m there every 2 hours checking in. This year I happened to walk up at the right time (just once!) and they had one more table to fill and I got in on Saturday morning! So nice! Above you can see my setup there in AA. I also spent some time outside the convention selling my work, which worked out rather nicely. The shear numbers of people out there walking around make selling very easy!


If you happened to stop by and you wanted to get something and you weren’t able too, have no fear, you can buy most of my art online, on my Square store just Click Here!

Also be sure to check out my social media sites for updates of new artwork, as well as more photos from Comic Con 2015, which I will post to my fb page. Check it out Here!

But here are some cool photos from the show some of the magic I was talking about! Enjoy!

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San Diego Comic Con…

OssmComics booth

This just in! OSSM Comics will have an Artist Alley booth this year at the San Diego Comic Con! We will be in Artist Alley Booth GG-12 and I’ll be stopping by to do scheduled signings for Monomyth #1 which hits stores on July 23rd!! Which happens to be the first day of the Con, Wednesday Preview night!! I’m super stoked for the book to come out, and I’m excited to share it with everyone and see what you think!! Can’t wait, it’s going to be a blast!! Be sure to stop by and get your signed copy!!


Wargun sneak peek

Well it’s been a bit since my last post, but I wanted to keep the lines open and at least post a little something! Here is a sneak peek at a page from my sketch book which includes a look at the background of Wargun and how the idea all got started. It was something I had an idea for way back when actually, and it’s involved into what it is today. But this story in particular I thought was make for an amazing webcomic simply because of the fast-pace and the action that would carry it.


Also I wanted to post a first! At this years San Diego Comic Con (which was a blast! And I got into Artist Alley, home of the most elite artists in the world!) I was able to do my first Wargun Commission! (Ok, you’re not as excited as I am ;( but a young kid named Dillon from Canada was checking out my booth and he really like my character, and he wanted a commission done of Wargun! But out of every other character, and much better artist to choose from, he chose Wargun! I was honored to say the least, and I could tell this young man wasn’t just going to blow his money on whatever, he was going to choose wisely. So, Dillion, if you’re out there, you have the first Wargun Commission ever! Just fyi. And what an honor it was doing that commission for you. Thanks bud!