Tag Archives: legos

San Diego Comic Con 2015

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This years Comic Con was a blast! I’ll admit, it started out a little weird it felt as if something was missing, I can’t explain it. But as I walked around the show floor it all seemed to fade away, and the magic began. Luckily this year I was able to get into Artist Alley at the last minute! Usually I spend my time every year bugging the Artist Alley guys to get me into an open table, (when other artists don’t show) and I’m there every 2 hours checking in. This year I happened to walk up at the right time (just once!) and they had one more table to fill and I got in on Saturday morning! So nice! Above you can see my setup there in AA. I also spent some time outside the convention selling my work, which worked out rather nicely. The shear numbers of people out there walking around make selling very easy!


If you happened to stop by and you wanted to get something and you weren’t able too, have no fear, you can buy most of my art online, on my Square store just Click Here!

Also be sure to check out my social media sites for updates of new artwork, as well as more photos from Comic Con 2015, which I will post to my fb page. Check it out Here!

But here are some cool photos from the show some of the magic I was talking about! Enjoy!

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