Category Archives: Conventions

San Diego Comic Con 2015

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This years Comic Con was a blast! I’ll admit, it started out a little weird it felt as if something was missing, I can’t explain it. But as I walked around the show floor it all seemed to fade away, and the magic began. Luckily this year I was able to get into Artist Alley at the last minute! Usually I spend my time every year bugging the Artist Alley guys to get me into an open table, (when other artists don’t show) and I’m there every 2 hours checking in. This year I happened to walk up at the right time (just once!) and they had one more table to fill and I got in on Saturday morning! So nice! Above you can see my setup there in AA. I also spent some time outside the convention selling my work, which worked out rather nicely. The shear numbers of people out there walking around make selling very easy!


If you happened to stop by and you wanted to get something and you weren’t able too, have no fear, you can buy most of my art online, on my Square store just Click Here!

Also be sure to check out my social media sites for updates of new artwork, as well as more photos from Comic Con 2015, which I will post to my fb page. Check it out Here!

But here are some cool photos from the show some of the magic I was talking about! Enjoy!

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Wondercon 2015 is Here!

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WONDERCON 2015 IS HERE, just days away… will you be there?

Looking at the show floor this year it is super crowded! So many big names will be there along with the industry leaders in comics. I’m super stoked I actually got in, (SDCC is not looking too good for me getting a booth this year so) Wondercon is the next best thing. This year I will be in Artist Alley along side some of the most a amazing artists in the industry!!! I’m super excited and am looking forward to a great weekend. I will be at BOOTH E- 37 in Aritst Alley if you are there and want to come check out my work, and I’m always available for a commission. I’ll be next to Ron Lim (Which I’m excited about, I follow him on social media and now I finally get to meet him!) and I’m just a row over from Rob Liefield himself, creator of Cable and Deadpool! I’ll be getting an autograph or two! I’m still a fan!


So be sure to stop by and say “Hi!” let me know what’s going on and what’s cool around the show! My friend Oly will be there exhibiting and selling prints as well and he’ll be showing off my prints too, so maybe you’ll find him and see more of my work floating around! Until Friday, be cool and stay safe! See you there!


ALSO- I’ve just updated my store, and have set up a Square store front for all your online Print purchasing needs! It’s nice and sleek and will make things a whole lot easier for online buying. You can check it out by clicking the pic below! Enjoy!

Click here to check out my new Square store!


Phoenix Fan Fest- Winter Wonderland


Phoenix Fan Fest is Fast approaching! This Friday the 12th, the folks who brought you Phoenix Comic Con are gearing up to bring you their first winter wonderland for Comics!! I’m super stoked to take a trip to Glendale Az, and meet all the hardcore comic fans who demanded a winter show! I hope all my San Diego friends know about this. It would definitely be worth the drive to have a winter con! Just think, you won’t have to melt in the heat in your costume! Imagine! And it’s going to be held in the University of Phoenix stadium! 8682d828e3ca200e499bcea567172819I’m looking forward to it and I’ll be there through Sunday. If you want to check out more, you can go to there website and find out about all the artists who will be there, vendors, exhibitors, and the STARS! Check it out here.

I’ll be traveling with Mike Miller, and Oly Pitman (Print dealer extraordinaire! Pimping his prints!) I’ll have a few new prints with me to showcase as well. Good Ol’ Deadpool, Superman, Wolverine and Colossus killing it in the Danger Room, Cable, and Maverick (Which I did have in Reno, but never got to properly introduce them!) So, I’m not sure where I’ll be at the show, but I’ll be in artist alley somewhere. So be sure to scope me out, with my big Thundercats banner! I’ll be there! You be there too!

See you this weekend in Phoenix! Peace!


San Diego Comic Con…

OssmComics booth

This just in! OSSM Comics will have an Artist Alley booth this year at the San Diego Comic Con! We will be in Artist Alley Booth GG-12 and I’ll be stopping by to do scheduled signings for Monomyth #1 which hits stores on July 23rd!! Which happens to be the first day of the Con, Wednesday Preview night!! I’m super stoked for the book to come out, and I’m excited to share it with everyone and see what you think!! Can’t wait, it’s going to be a blast!! Be sure to stop by and get your signed copy!!


Wizard World Philadelphia!


Wizard World Philly is only two weeks away! I’m really excited to be back in my old neighborhood (well sort of, I’m from Jersey originally so, close enough!)

But I’ll be seeing some familiar faces while I’m in town and new ones too I hope! I’ll be located in Artist Alley in D-17 right behind Mike Miller and next to my friend Oly who pimps some awesome art prints from a ton of Artists, so stop by and say “Hi!”

Also I’ll have some new prints for you: Red Hood, Batman, and a cool Captain American iconic front. Check them out! I’ll be a great show for sure, 4 days of fun! Super stoked! See you there!
