Tag Archives: Eric Ninaltowski


Fulfillment has wrapped on our latest installment in the Shadow Sentry universe – Shadow sentry: Origins! We now have 3 books complete with 24 varieties to choose from, plus a ton of other extras and add-ons to boot! So to make it easier for folks to sort through our ever-growing catalog, I thought what better way to help those interested then with a complete Menu! (I’m a very visual person myself!) You’ll find all these new offerings in the STORE!

So if you’d like to take a look at our newly crafted menu you can click on the image below to view it larger, or click on the link below that to download it to view at your own personal leisure!


Here are a few things to keep your eyes on! If you’ve already backed and you’d like to grab something you missed or you just want a reader copy to keep your other books crispy and new, here are some things to keep in view!

With all shipments some books are bound to get a little dented and scuffed on the corners. They’re not perfect, so if you don’t mind a dent or crease then these books are perfect for you! Take advantage of our Battled & Battered Damaged Discount!


Get books from our latest release for ONLY $10! That’s more than 1/2 off! Also, one Holo-Chrome cover with a slight scrap on it is also 1/2 off.

Get the Holo-Chrome Covers before the price increases! For a limited time these covers will be at a discounted rate before they land on their final resting price of $65!


Get the covers at a discounted rate before the cover price increases for these beautiful chrome covers!

New to the site, new to everyone! These bad boys have been kept secret until now! Introducing Virgin Variants! Get these new beautiful covers unencumbered by the title fix-ins, both Book 1 (2nd Printing) and Book 2 (1st printing) get the Virgin treatment. Both books limited to only 150 copies each!


New to the Shadow Sentry family! Books 1 & 2 get the virgin treatment.

Reduced ink lines make this a beautiful painterly cover highlighting the work of Carbon Graphics on colors!

Last but not least, with HALLOWEEN fast approaching, if you missed out, get the new Hopscotch Halloween card set! 10 cards from 4 different artist add their best work to help show off Hopscotch and her amazing costumes! Here’s the artist breakdown featuring characters like: Death, Velma, Kill Bill, Maleficent, & Marylin Monroe to name a few!

  • Eric Ninaltowski- 4 cards
  • Gabrielle Geske – 2 cards
  • Anthony Figaro – 3 cards
  • Matt Cossin -1 card

You’ll find all these MENU options and MORE in the store! To check them out…. just click the link below!

KICKSTARTER here we come!

We are super excited to announce that the Shadow Sentry universe is about to makes it maiden journey over to Kickstarter next week! On 6.26 Shadow Sentry will go live and make itself known to a whole new crowd of comic fans, and hopefully some not-so-new as well! Lots will stay the same in comparison to the Indiegogo campaign, but here are some new things you can expect…

Kickstarter Exclusive Variant by Eric Ninaltowski and Carbon Graphics

Above – you’ll see the New Exclusive Variant that will be available on the campaign. This really came out great, and once again Carbon Graphics nailed it with the colors. We’re also going to make it available in the Holo-Chrome format just like Clayton Barton’s Regular cover for that extra special touch!!

Also, a few new rewards that will be available that were not on the Indiegogo campaign are some original art perks, including pages and sketches as well! I’m also really considering putting the cover inks for the KS exclusive cover up for grabs, but for that we’ll just have to wait and see!

Holo-Chrome Variant
Original pages will be made available on a first come, first serve basis. Limited to 5.

While this campaign will be more geared to first-time backers with many of the rewards focused on the individual books themselves, with a heavy focus on SHADOW SENTRY as a whole as compared to the ORIGINS campaign, it will still have all the same great products! So I hope you give it a look and consider backing some of the new rewards!

Thanks so much for those who have backed so far and continue to do so! You make this all possible and for that I am forever grateful!

Head to the sign up page to get notified when we go live! CLICK HERE!

Thank you!

Shadow Sentry: Origins now on Indiegogo!

Last Thursday the campaign went LIVE for the next installment in the Shadow Sentry Universe! Shadow Sentry: Origins # 1

After completing two issues of the regular series and two successful crowdfunding campaigns we’re going back to the beginnings of a few of our characters to give you a glimpse into how they became the fighting forces they are today. SHADOW SENTRY: Origins #1 will be comprised of 2 stories, both 24 pages in length, for a 48 page hard-hitting oversized comic! What’s set forth in the SHADOW SENTRY: Origins books will lay the groundwork for the second story arc in the regular series, starting in book 5! So it’s not to be missed!

Page 1 – Colors by Carbon Graphics/ breakdown & layout by Clayton Barton/ Finishes Eric Ninaltowski

And in case you missed the first two books in the series –Here’s what backers are saying:

Really liked the first one. It kind of reminded me of the X-Men back in the day when the X-Men were fun, but with a supernatural touch. I will definitely be in for #2.

Rezcot – Book1 review

I just devoured both books. Best comics I have read in a long time. Mic drop. You have made me a fan for life!

Christopher Aldrich- Book 2 review
Page 2 & 3 – Colors by Kevin Anthony DeCastro /Layouts & breakdowns by Clayton Barton/ Finishes by Eric Ninaltowski

The Premise

What if you had a near death experience, but when you returned from the other side you brought back a piece of the eternal with you? You awoke to find you now had supernatural abilities and you were able to break the laws of nature that govern the world around you! SHADOW SENTRY is an X-Men meets the Matrix Superhero team book with a Supernatural twist that will hit you with the nostalgia of the 90’s and restore your faith in comics again!

The Characters

Discover the events surrounding this young teleporting Hell Born, Hopscotch, and her “quickening” in a modern day Japan. The daughter of a Yakuza crime lord plunged into the middle of a war of her father’s making. A revenge story that will leave the bodies piled high and the blood flowing free. Ninja’s, Yakuza, and a cyborg Samurai by the name of Akira – The Iron Demon, are just a taste of what’s in store!

Page 4- Colors by Kevin Anthony DeCastro /Layouts & breakdowns by Clayton Barton/ Finishes by Eric Ninaltowski
Page 5- Colors by Kevin Anthony DeCastro /Layouts & breakdowns by Clayton Barton/ Finishes by Eric Ninaltowski

Commander Noble

Learn the origins of a the leader of the Shadow Sentry. A young marine in a volatile Afghanistan after 9/11 will come face to face with an unrelenting enemy and learn what it means to be a soldier with the power of indestructibility, and what dastardly plans a mysterious agent has in store for him.

Page 1 of the Commander Noble origin story. All art by Eric Ninaltowski

Other Offerings

Books 1 & 2

If you missed out on the first two books we have you covered with some catch up perks! We’re on to our second printing of Book 1, which features art by Eric Ninaltowski and colors by Carbon Graphics. This was seen on the first campaign as “promo art,” but it’s just too good not to put on a cover! As for Book 2 we have plenty of copies left, so get them while you can! And if you hate waiting, you can get them now in the STORE!

Fan Art Friday Art Book!

Fan Art Friday is a weekly drawing stream Eric hosts on his YouTube channel (Check it out!) that draws characters of the viewers choice! You can also pick up the original art if yours is chosen on stream! Here collected for the first time is the artwork from 2022 + some additional art from Drawn n Quartered!

7.5 x 9.5 – 48 pages – Black & White – Perfect Bound

Check out the Trailer for Shadow Sentry: Origins # 1

Find out more and visit the Indiegogo campaign page!

Shadow Sentry: Origins Free Preview

As we prepare to launch our new campaign next week for Shadow Sentry: Origins #1 – we wanted to wet your palette and get you excited for this amazing book! We have employed the talents of Clayton Barton and Mark Poulton (Hawkman, Avengelyne), to add their touch to this new installment, and what they have done will blow you away! Clayton Barton of How to Draw Comics.net has done a fantastic job lending his style to the breakdowns and layouts for this book, that’s why we’ve decided to make a few select pages available to download, for free, for your viewing pleasure! Mark has finished the first draft of the script, and Clayton has finished all the breakdowns and layouts for the 24 page story for the Hopscotch origin and we’re eager for you to get a glimpse! Just Clayton’s line work on the breakdowns are delicious to behold, so take a look!

Here is a 9 page preview courtesy of Gumroad to get you pumped! – Just follow the link and enter $0 for the amount…

Gumroad Digital Download

Finished page 1 from the Hopscotch origin story.

Launching next week on 2 . 2 3 . 2 3 — SHADOW SENTRY: Origins will be comprised of two 24 page stories, totaling 48 pages of awesome! Hopscotch will start us off with a bang (or a slice!) and launch us into modern Japan where Yakuza gangsters are fighting for their life! Can they take on a teenage girl with newly found teleportation powers!? You’ll find out as Hopscotch, or Katarina Katayama, embarks on a errand of revenge from the king of hell himself — that old dastardly Dragon — Satan! You’ll get a good look at him in this book as we set up what it means to be a Hell Born, and how they are chosen. You’ll also be introduced to a new villain, a cyborg ninja known as Akira, the Iron Demon (aka: Tatsu Akuma)!


Part two will be the origin story of Robert Noble, the current leader of the Shadow Sentry. Learn how he received his powers in Afghanistan following 9/11, and the details surrounding his run in with the Hell Born and Vengent!

Here’s a little sneak peek at page 1 (below), from the Commander Noble origin story! Art by Eric Ninaltowski. Assisting on Script will be new comer: Clay Pauley! New to our team but not new to comics, Clay has been writing his own stories for some time, and will soon be launching his own crowdfunded book – Myth No More!

If you’re new to the scene and want to catch up you’re free to wait until the campaign launches next week where there will be a tier where you can purchase Books 1 & 2, or you can get your hands on them now as we’ve updated the STORE! Cause why wait!

Head to the Store!

We look forward to seeing you next week when the campaign launches! 2/23 around 6: 30 pst on Indiegogo!

SHADOW SENTRY BOOK 2 – is now available to pre-order!

Book 1: Into the Eternal was a hit!

Book 2: Belly of the Beast promises to be even better! Following right on the heels of book 1— The Shadow Sentry are about to throw down and clash with BLOOD BANE and the HELL BORN in an all out BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS!

You won’t want to miss it! PLUS we have some fun surprises along the way! BLOOD BANE has a new look that we have yet to see, and there are some fun and new characters we get to meet as well!

It all happens in BOOK 2: BELLY OF THE BEAST!





Books are In!

The Shadow Sentry campaign for book 1 is drawing to a close! All books have been mailed out! The 31st of May will mark the end of the first campaign! I want to say a big thank you to all who backed and made the first book a huge success! But this is only the beginning!


Here’s what’s in store for the future!!

For a limited time (till the end of May) I’ll be offering a BLACK&WHITE Hard Cover Astist Edition of Book 1.

This will be a special edition that will not only include the inks of book 1 but also 20 pages of extras! Extra’s like sketches, concept designs, unused art, breakdowns and pretty much all that went into making the book! It’s going to be something special for the art lover who enjoyed the line work without the distraction of the colors! Backers of this special edition will also be able to add on a quick sketch on the inside cover, or a detailed sketch, at a pretty reasonable amount!

Head There Now!

Here’s a peek at some black and white pages that you’ll see in the Artist Edition (the pages will be lettered of course! Not seen here)


So what about Book 2 you ask!?

Book 2: Belly of the Beast will be available in June when the campaign launches on Indiegogo! Specific date TBA! But if you’d like to be notified when the campaign goes live and be the first to grab your copy – sign up now for the pre-campaign – AND – get a FREE LIMITED EDITION TRADING CARD WHEN YOU BACK!


Here’s a peek at my cover for book 2! It may look familiar to you, it’s a homage to an oldie but goodie! Check that out below as well!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to keep the train rolling in this new Shadow Sentry saga – there’s some really fun things coming in Book 2, but till then… that’s all the news for now! I will send out another update as I get ready to launch, but remember to sign-up and stay in the loop and get that trading card!

Till Next Time!




Shadow Sentry- Book 1 Almost complete!

Just around 10 more pages to go and then the book will be complete! I’ve been hard at work these past months penciling and inking some of my best work EVER and I’m so excited to get it out to you! Thank you to everyone who has backed my first CREATOR-OWNED Comic, launched this past February on INDIEGOGO! The campaign itself is still In-Demand, which means if you haven’t hopped on board yet, there is still time! The campaign will probably only remain open a few more months while I wrap up the book so don’t wait!

I want to show you some pages that are about 99.9% finished with the exception of final edits, that have been re-lettered by Eric Weathers, comic letterer extraordinaire! These have colors by the talents of Kid Ikaris as well as Carbon Graphics, and as you can see they are coming out stunningly great!

If you haven’t yet, head on over and check out the campaign on …


There are some great perks to get on the campaign, but if you want JUST the comic, it’s only $20! Other perks include a signed copy of the comic, prints, metal prints, as well as some original art! But every physical backer of the book will be getting some sweet freebies, including stickers, trading cards, a poster, and a metal bookmark!

Thanks so much, now, please enjoy the first 8 pages!



My New Comic Campaign is currently Funding!

Book 1: Into the Eternal-

is currently available to purchase and support on INDIEGOGO! Check out this promo video to get a taste of what it’s all about!

Check out the campaign and all the goodies I’m offering…

Click the image to head to the campaign now!

Here are some of the finished pages fully lettered and ready to go so you can get a feel for what’s in store for the wide world of the High Born and Hell Born! (Click on the images for a larger view!)

The story and art will be done by yours truly, with colors by Kid Ikaris, and Carbon Graphics!

I’m super excited to finally get this out there and make it available. If you are interested in backing the book I guarantee it will be worth the little extra (than a typical comic today) and not to mention it will be an nice thick 48 page book so… Double Sized! Full of quality and top notch art sure to please the avid and novice comic fan!

Please head over and take a look at the perks as well check out the amazing covers by artists like: Mike S. Miller, Matthew Weldon, and Kevin Sharpe, all amazing artists with sweet styles! Colored by the amazing talents of Carbon Graphics!

Head there Now!

INKtober and Shadow Sentry

So hopefully you’ve heard by now, but my characters from SHADOW SENTRY have made their debut. If you haven’t… not to worry, I’ve got you covered and it’s not too late to get in on the action! Shadow sentry is my creator owned comic that I will be launching later this year, it’s an X-men meets the Martrix superhero book with a hint of Supernatural mixed in there for good measure.

Cover to INKtober 2018

I recently launched an Indiegogo campaign to give everyone a foretaste of what’s to come and let you see the characters up close and personal. Although the campaign has ended I will be making the book available in my online store to make sure my fans (and new ones!) have access to this exclusive sneak peek!

Why it’s important?

Not only is it an exclusive sneak peek to brand new characters, but launching a successful indie comic, or creator owned comic, is a tough task to be sure, and it takes a lot of capital. But with the help of my faithful fans, and those that just want to get their hands on good comics again, we can make this happen… together. That’s why I made INKtober 2018, it’s a small sampling of 21 images of my favorite 90’s comics characters from Image, Marvel, and DC, to remember the awesome that was the 90’s, and then give you a taste of what’s to come with 10 characters of my own creation from the SHADOW SENTRY. You’ll get a brief run down of the story and concept as well as the final full color promo art!

Check this beauty out! Are you ready for some awesome?

For only $15, not only will you getting a great little art book, but you’ll be helping me actualize my life-long goal, and get into production for this soon to be highly coveted book. It really is a WIN- WIN!

It’s a team effort, and I appreciate your help and support, and I look forward to bringing you GREAT ART, AMAZING STORY, and a whole new team to add to your list of favorite books! – Thank you!

Click the images, or here are some links to get you going…

INKtober 2018 in the store

Follow Shadow Sentry on facebook

See more images from the book here

Subscribe and Follow!

Howdy fans, wanted to let you know I’ve been steadily posting videos on my YouTube channel where I Live Stream drawings in progress. You’ll find me as DIVINE FIRE STUDIOS. I’ve also been setting the stage to launch my creator owned comic called the Shadow Sentry early next year via Indiegogo! So if you like seeing live art, and learning a bit about my process, tools, and techniques… and want to follow the creation my my comic… head over and subscribe to my channel!

Click the image to head to my channel now!

I’m excited about bring cool content and about bringing back the joy and fun that was once Comics. It’s hard to find these days, but I want to bring back that passion for comic lovers like I had back in the early 90’s when comics where exciting and enjoyable, the art was great, and the stories were fresh. That’s my passion, and want to share with you what has been born out of that. So here’s a little preview of my Shadow Sentry creation that I’ve been working on for a long time and want to get into your hands Soon!

Check it out and Join the team!