Howdy fans, wanted to let you know I’ve been steadily posting videos on my YouTube channel where I Live Stream drawings in progress. You’ll find me as DIVINE FIRE STUDIOS. I’ve also been setting the stage to launch my creator owned comic called the Shadow Sentry early next year via Indiegogo! So if you like seeing live art, and learning a bit about my process, tools, and techniques… and want to follow the creation my my comic… head over and subscribe to my channel!
I’m excited about bring cool content and about bringing back the joy and fun that was once Comics. It’s hard to find these days, but I want to bring back that passion for comic lovers like I had back in the early 90’s when comics where exciting and enjoyable, the art was great, and the stories were fresh. That’s my passion, and want to share with you what has been born out of that. So here’s a little preview of my Shadow Sentry creation that I’ve been working on for a long time and want to get into your hands Soon!
Check it out and Join the team!