WONDERCON 2015 IS HERE, just days away… will you be there?
Looking at the show floor this year it is super crowded! So many big names will be there along with the industry leaders in comics. I’m super stoked I actually got in, (SDCC is not looking too good for me getting a booth this year so) Wondercon is the next best thing. This year I will be in Artist Alley along side some of the most a amazing artists in the industry!!! I’m super excited and am looking forward to a great weekend. I will be at BOOTH E- 37 in Aritst Alley if you are there and want to come check out my work, and I’m always available for a commission. I’ll be next to Ron Lim (Which I’m excited about, I follow him on social media and now I finally get to meet him!) and I’m just a row over from Rob Liefield himself, creator of Cable and Deadpool! I’ll be getting an autograph or two! I’m still a fan!
So be sure to stop by and say “Hi!” let me know what’s going on and what’s cool around the show! My friend Oly will be there exhibiting and selling prints as well and he’ll be showing off my prints too, so maybe you’ll find him and see more of my work floating around! Until Friday, be cool and stay safe! See you there!
ALSO- I’ve just updated my store, and have set up a Square store front for all your online Print purchasing needs! It’s nice and sleek and will make things a whole lot easier for online buying. You can check it out by clicking the pic below! Enjoy!