In about a weeks time the epic conclusion to Monomyth will be hitting the store shelves and we couldn’t be more proud!
From Siike’s writing, to my artwork, to PJ’s colors, we’ve created something really special for you and we’re super excited to get this book into your hands! It marks the end of the series but we’re sure it’ll leave with you with something to remember and have you anxious to read it again all the way through! (Which you can do by the way, when the trade releases early next year!)
Thank you to all of those who have supported us thus far and have been buying our book, and have been bugging your local shop to carry it! We appreciate it to say the least! And we can say without a doubt that you won’t be sorry! Siike has really pulled out all the stops on this ending, and spent literally days and nights, and rewritings and rewritings and rewritings to make the ending spectacular!! I’ve read other endings that just fizzled out rather than went out with a bang… You know, the kind of book where you’ve invested 5-6 issues into it and then the conclusion finally comes out – and you’ve been drooling for a month and super excited- and when you start reading, half way into it, you realize they spent two pages on the battle between the hero and the villain and the rest of the book wrapping up the story, and you’re like, That’s IT?? REALLY?? NOOOOOooooooo!!! Not this ending! Siike has created an ending that is as iconic as it’s characters. I hope you’re ready for a thrill ride!
“Imagine a young Jim Lee drawing Prophecy meets Gilgamesh and you get Monomyth; an amazing book.” -Adam Glass (Exec Producer of Supernatural)
Monomyth 3 will be hitting the store shelves on Oct. 22nd, and in case your local comic shop doesn’t carry it, issues will be available on the OSSM comics website soon! (Not to give Siike more work, Lord knows he’s doing tons! But they will be available)
Before I go, here’s a little sneak peek to wet your palate… and don’t forget to send us your feedback via Facebook or Twitter after you read it! We love hearing from you and what you think of our stuff!!