So hopefully you’ve seen the trailer for the upcoming movie, THE MEG, the action packed blockbuster about an enormous Megalodon Shark that hits theaters this weekend! What you may not know is that it’s based on the book by Steve Alten, which also was adapted into a super amazing Graphic Novel. I had the privileged of working on the GN with a super talented team: Pencils and character inks by the mighty Mike S. Miller, Colors by the gifted Nanjan, and along with myself who provided the dynamic background inks! That’s right folks – an all-star cast to rival that of the live-action movie!
Don’t believe me… check out some of these amazing pages from the book!
So what does a background inker do exactly you may ask? Well, pretty much anything that is not a human being (and a shark!) I inked, with the exception of a few things that Mike inked for me (nice guy that he is!) But all that background stuff you see, I inked, and did my best that you couldn’t notice that there are actually two guys inking the same page!
So yes, the movie is coming out this weekend, but as you know Hollywood will always make their mark and find a way to change things up from the original source material. Our adaptation however closely follows the book, and will provide a faithful retelling of the epic story from Steve Alten. This was seen to by Mike Miller himself and J.S. Earls, two talented writers. That’s right, Mike Miller writes as well as illustrates! I just keep surprising you don’t I! Haha
If you want to be even more surprised head to the nearest book store and pick up a copy of the Graphic Novel, Meg, and see all the amazing art and story we worked so hard on over the past months! If you’re interested in the comic version, single issues, you’ll have to talk to your local comic shop and order them directly from the publisher the Dabel Brothers.

Just in case you have no idea about THE MEG movie… here’s what you’re missing! The coolest Shark movie since JAWS!