All posts by EricNart
A Hopscotch Halloween
New to the Shadow Sentry: Origins campaign! A Treat for you this Halloween!!
Lastly, we’ve added a new Holo-chrome poster into the mix! We wanted to get a taste for the Holo-Chrome covers that will be coming, and you can get your hands on these! Limited to 10! These will ship immediately and are available now!
Head there now and check out the new offerings!!
Scarlet Witch
He-Man Masters of the Universe
KICKSTARTER here we come!
We are super excited to announce that the Shadow Sentry universe is about to makes it maiden journey over to Kickstarter next week! On 6.26 Shadow Sentry will go live and make itself known to a whole new crowd of comic fans, and hopefully some not-so-new as well! Lots will stay the same in comparison to the Indiegogo campaign, but here are some new things you can expect…
Above – you’ll see the New Exclusive Variant that will be available on the campaign. This really came out great, and once again Carbon Graphics nailed it with the colors. We’re also going to make it available in the Holo-Chrome format just like Clayton Barton’s Regular cover for that extra special touch!!
Also, a few new rewards that will be available that were not on the Indiegogo campaign are some original art perks, including pages and sketches as well! I’m also really considering putting the cover inks for the KS exclusive cover up for grabs, but for that we’ll just have to wait and see!
While this campaign will be more geared to first-time backers with many of the rewards focused on the individual books themselves, with a heavy focus on SHADOW SENTRY as a whole as compared to the ORIGINS campaign, it will still have all the same great products! So I hope you give it a look and consider backing some of the new rewards!
Thanks so much for those who have backed so far and continue to do so! You make this all possible and for that I am forever grateful!
Head to the sign up page to get notified when we go live! CLICK HERE!
Thank you!
Spiderman 2099
Blue Beetle Print!
Shadow Sentry Book 2
Get the sequel to the groundbreaking series that will have you returning for more! Book 2 Belly of the Beast!
Shadow Sentry Book 1
There are only a handful remaining of the 1st printing of Book 1! Get them while you can! Variant covers are also available!