Tag Archives: shadow sentry

Shadow Sentry Pre-Launch!

New Campaign Launch Date Announced!

The time is nearing! While many of you have anticipated a November launch date for my Shadow Sentry comic, unfortunately, I still have  other contract work to complete before I can launch S.S. Not wanting to launch around Christmas time, I decided to wait until February to kick off my official launch date and give myself more time to really get things top-notch! That means I can get more art done and have more time to prep. I don’t want to rush it! I want this book to be quality, quality, quality!

So in the meantime I set up a Pre-Launch page on Indiegogo where you can sign up and get notified when the campaign goes live in February. Many of you have already subscribed to my email list on my website and that means you’re good to go! No need to resubscribe! If you haven’t signed up yet, here you go…

Click the image to head to the sign-up page!

I’ll be sending out updates of new art when it’s available as well as other awesome news— like who’s gonna be doing covers?! Ok well, that I can share now. I will have 4 covers from the talents of Mike S. Miller, Kevin Sharpe, and Matthew Weldon, and your truly of course! I’ll be excited to share those as they are completed!

I thank you all for your support and I am really looking forward to bringing this team, this story, and this comic to life for all of you. I have a team of friends and professionals who want to help and make sure this book is the best it can be so… Thank you all! I can’t wait!

Have a super Happy Thanksgiving!

In the meantime here are some character shots I’ve been working on! Enjoy! And if you’d like to follow Shadow Sentry on Facebook you can check that page out here… @shadowsentrycomic


INKtober and Shadow Sentry

So hopefully you’ve heard by now, but my characters from SHADOW SENTRY have made their debut. If you haven’t… not to worry, I’ve got you covered and it’s not too late to get in on the action! Shadow sentry is my creator owned comic that I will be launching later this year, it’s an X-men meets the Martrix superhero book with a hint of Supernatural mixed in there for good measure.

Cover to INKtober 2018

I recently launched an Indiegogo campaign to give everyone a foretaste of what’s to come and let you see the characters up close and personal. Although the campaign has ended I will be making the book available in my online store to make sure my fans (and new ones!) have access to this exclusive sneak peek!

Why it’s important?

Not only is it an exclusive sneak peek to brand new characters, but launching a successful indie comic, or creator owned comic, is a tough task to be sure, and it takes a lot of capital. But with the help of my faithful fans, and those that just want to get their hands on good comics again, we can make this happen… together. That’s why I made INKtober 2018, it’s a small sampling of 21 images of my favorite 90’s comics characters from Image, Marvel, and DC, to remember the awesome that was the 90’s, and then give you a taste of what’s to come with 10 characters of my own creation from the SHADOW SENTRY. You’ll get a brief run down of the story and concept as well as the final full color promo art!

Check this beauty out! Are you ready for some awesome?

For only $15, not only will you getting a great little art book, but you’ll be helping me actualize my life-long goal, and get into production for this soon to be highly coveted book. It really is a WIN- WIN!

It’s a team effort, and I appreciate your help and support, and I look forward to bringing you GREAT ART, AMAZING STORY, and a whole new team to add to your list of favorite books! – Thank you!

Click the images, or here are some links to get you going…

INKtober 2018 in the store

Follow Shadow Sentry on facebook

See more images from the book here