New Campaign Launch Date Announced!
The time is nearing! While many of you have anticipated a November launch date for my Shadow Sentry comic, unfortunately, I still have other contract work to complete before I can launch S.S. Not wanting to launch around Christmas time, I decided to wait until February to kick off my official launch date and give myself more time to really get things top-notch! That means I can get more art done and have more time to prep. I don’t want to rush it! I want this book to be quality, quality, quality!
So in the meantime I set up a Pre-Launch page on Indiegogo where you can sign up and get notified when the campaign goes live in February. Many of you have already subscribed to my email list on my website and that means you’re good to go! No need to resubscribe! If you haven’t signed up yet, here you go…

I’ll be sending out updates of new art when it’s available as well as other awesome news— like who’s gonna be doing covers?! Ok well, that I can share now. I will have 4 covers from the talents of Mike S. Miller, Kevin Sharpe, and Matthew Weldon, and your truly of course! I’ll be excited to share those as they are completed!
I thank you all for your support and I am really looking forward to bringing this team, this story, and this comic to life for all of you. I have a team of friends and professionals who want to help and make sure this book is the best it can be so… Thank you all! I can’t wait!
Have a super Happy Thanksgiving!
In the meantime here are some character shots I’ve been working on! Enjoy! And if you’d like to follow Shadow Sentry on Facebook you can check that page out here… @shadowsentrycomic