PRO-LIFIC! Chatting with writer Chael Roberts

Welcome to PRO-LIFIC where I interview professional artists, writers, and creators to delve down deep and find out what makes them tick and find out tips-n-tricks for being successful as a creator! Everyone has a different story to tell, and every artist has their own unique style, but what are the common threads that we can find to help us on our own journey? Join me as we glean new insights into becoming the next PROLIFIC writer, artist, or creator!

Today we’re talking with Chael Roberts, who has been a comic creator for a little over three years and is currently on Volume Three of Guardians of Erloth: The Last Leopard King. He started the first volume with artist Ryan Best in the Spring of 2018, the world, however, has been in the making for almost 20 years and Chael is ready to release a series of novels based in the vast world of Erloth in the coming years. The novels will coincide and tie into the Guardians of Erloth comics.

Volume 2 Cover by Caanan White


ERIC: First off,  tell us what motivates you to create/ write, and what fuels your passion?

CHAEL : What motivated me to start writing comics and novels was my interest in storytelling. Growing up I read stories by great storytellers such as Louis L’Amour, Jack London, Timothy Zahn, and Brian Jacques. I admired how in-depth their worlds were and how they could take you on such an exciting journey that would cause many late nights and sleepless hours because you couldn’t help but keep turning the pages.

ERIC: What where some of the most influential factors or circumstances that brought you to where you are today as a creator/ writer? Then also please tell us some of the most influential people who helped as well.

CHAEL: The most influential factors for me as a creator was being dissatisfied when reading stories and how the characters and plot ended in places I wasn’t happy with. It made me want to explore similar themes and make those endings more substantial or more emotional. I also was influenced by a creative imagination I’ve had since I was very young. In high school, I took a science fiction writing class. It was the first time I saw Blade Runner. The final project was a short story consisting of 7,000 words. It was writing that short story that I found my passion for putting my love of storytelling on paper.

Volume 1 Cover by Caanan White

ERIC: Of all the different mediums out there, what was it about comics that lead you to create your work in that medium?

CHAEL: I was an avid reader of the Star Wars Expanded Universe in the ’90s starting with Timothy Zahn’s, Heir to The Empire Trilogy. Also being a comic fan I was able to visually see these worlds and creatures on the pages of Dark Horse Star Wars pages. Having written short stories, but having difficulty figuring out how to publish, I found that comics as a visual medium would help bridge that gap and introduce my world to readers.

ERIC: Why did you choose to write this story? If you’re like me, you have many that you could have told, but why this one? What is it about this one that excites you?

CHAEL: This particular story was born out of a much larger story. I created characters that were from a far off exotic land. I wanted to create a background through a short story for these characters and I found that a visual medium such as comics was a perfect way to do that.

Vol 3 page art by Ryan Best

ERIIC: What’s the future hold for this series? Is it on-going? A one-shot? In other words, what are your long term plans for it?

CHAEL: The future for Guardians of Erloth will be expansive. On Erloth there are many Guardians and they each have their own tale. The Last Leopard King just happens to be the first in a long line.

ERIC: Let’s talk about your team. How hard was It to find, and/or how did you find the team you are working with? Also, what was It that drew you to them specifically for your project?

CHAEL: I found my artist online. I was able to see his portfolio and published work before I approached him. I found his style fit the type of storytelling I wanted to achieve.

ERIC:  What have been some of the biggest challenges in getting your book(s) done?

CHAEL: Time management and patience. I am not an artist so understanding that my artist has other projects takes a lot of understanding and patience. Also, setting deadlines and meeting those deadlines can be tricky. Giving yourself more time than you anticipate can always help alleviate pressure and stress.

Doube page spread from Vol 3 part 1 art by Ryan Best

ERIC: What are some words of advice you would give to someone who is looking to get into writing/ creating/ or illustrating?

CHAEL: Find the method you write or illustrate the best and find time to do it often. There is no one right way to write, but if you can do it consistently you will achieve goals more often than not.

ERIC: If you could do it all over again what would you do differently? Or if you could speak with 15 year old you, what would you say to yourself when it comes to pursuing your dreams of writing/ creating/ illustrating?

CHAEL: Don’t wait so long to jump in with both feet. I have been writing the same series for a long time. If I had been more serious and had more confidence I may be in a better situation today, as far as my published work is concerned.

For more from Chael and Eric check out the live interview with him on YOUTUBE here…

If you want to take a look at his book Guardians of Erloth Volume 3 you can check out the INDIEGOGO campaign which will be live only for a short while longer! Don’t miss it!


To follow Chael on social media and keep up to date on the latest, here are some links!

Twitter: @chaelroberts

Instagram: scribeoferloth

Facebook: Chael Roberts

For more on the other books… you can find images, info, and reviews…



SHADOW SENTRY BOOK 2 – is now available to pre-order!

Book 1: Into the Eternal was a hit!

Book 2: Belly of the Beast promises to be even better! Following right on the heels of book 1— The Shadow Sentry are about to throw down and clash with BLOOD BANE and the HELL BORN in an all out BATTLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS!

You won’t want to miss it! PLUS we have some fun surprises along the way! BLOOD BANE has a new look that we have yet to see, and there are some fun and new characters we get to meet as well!

It all happens in BOOK 2: BELLY OF THE BEAST!





Books are In!

The Shadow Sentry campaign for book 1 is drawing to a close! All books have been mailed out! The 31st of May will mark the end of the first campaign! I want to say a big thank you to all who backed and made the first book a huge success! But this is only the beginning!


Here’s what’s in store for the future!!

For a limited time (till the end of May) I’ll be offering a BLACK&WHITE Hard Cover Astist Edition of Book 1.

This will be a special edition that will not only include the inks of book 1 but also 20 pages of extras! Extra’s like sketches, concept designs, unused art, breakdowns and pretty much all that went into making the book! It’s going to be something special for the art lover who enjoyed the line work without the distraction of the colors! Backers of this special edition will also be able to add on a quick sketch on the inside cover, or a detailed sketch, at a pretty reasonable amount!

Head There Now!

Here’s a peek at some black and white pages that you’ll see in the Artist Edition (the pages will be lettered of course! Not seen here)


So what about Book 2 you ask!?

Book 2: Belly of the Beast will be available in June when the campaign launches on Indiegogo! Specific date TBA! But if you’d like to be notified when the campaign goes live and be the first to grab your copy – sign up now for the pre-campaign – AND – get a FREE LIMITED EDITION TRADING CARD WHEN YOU BACK!


Here’s a peek at my cover for book 2! It may look familiar to you, it’s a homage to an oldie but goodie! Check that out below as well!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to keep the train rolling in this new Shadow Sentry saga – there’s some really fun things coming in Book 2, but till then… that’s all the news for now! I will send out another update as I get ready to launch, but remember to sign-up and stay in the loop and get that trading card!

Till Next Time!




Shadow Sentry- Book 1 Almost complete!

Just around 10 more pages to go and then the book will be complete! I’ve been hard at work these past months penciling and inking some of my best work EVER and I’m so excited to get it out to you! Thank you to everyone who has backed my first CREATOR-OWNED Comic, launched this past February on INDIEGOGO! The campaign itself is still In-Demand, which means if you haven’t hopped on board yet, there is still time! The campaign will probably only remain open a few more months while I wrap up the book so don’t wait!

I want to show you some pages that are about 99.9% finished with the exception of final edits, that have been re-lettered by Eric Weathers, comic letterer extraordinaire! These have colors by the talents of Kid Ikaris as well as Carbon Graphics, and as you can see they are coming out stunningly great!

If you haven’t yet, head on over and check out the campaign on …


There are some great perks to get on the campaign, but if you want JUST the comic, it’s only $20! Other perks include a signed copy of the comic, prints, metal prints, as well as some original art! But every physical backer of the book will be getting some sweet freebies, including stickers, trading cards, a poster, and a metal bookmark!

Thanks so much, now, please enjoy the first 8 pages!



My New Comic Campaign is currently Funding!

Book 1: Into the Eternal-

is currently available to purchase and support on INDIEGOGO! Check out this promo video to get a taste of what it’s all about!

Check out the campaign and all the goodies I’m offering…

Click the image to head to the campaign now!

Here are some of the finished pages fully lettered and ready to go so you can get a feel for what’s in store for the wide world of the High Born and Hell Born! (Click on the images for a larger view!)

The story and art will be done by yours truly, with colors by Kid Ikaris, and Carbon Graphics!

I’m super excited to finally get this out there and make it available. If you are interested in backing the book I guarantee it will be worth the little extra (than a typical comic today) and not to mention it will be an nice thick 48 page book so… Double Sized! Full of quality and top notch art sure to please the avid and novice comic fan!

Please head over and take a look at the perks as well check out the amazing covers by artists like: Mike S. Miller, Matthew Weldon, and Kevin Sharpe, all amazing artists with sweet styles! Colored by the amazing talents of Carbon Graphics!

Head there Now!

Shadow Sentry Pre-Launch!

New Campaign Launch Date Announced!

The time is nearing! While many of you have anticipated a November launch date for my Shadow Sentry comic, unfortunately, I still have  other contract work to complete before I can launch S.S. Not wanting to launch around Christmas time, I decided to wait until February to kick off my official launch date and give myself more time to really get things top-notch! That means I can get more art done and have more time to prep. I don’t want to rush it! I want this book to be quality, quality, quality!

So in the meantime I set up a Pre-Launch page on Indiegogo where you can sign up and get notified when the campaign goes live in February. Many of you have already subscribed to my email list on my website and that means you’re good to go! No need to resubscribe! If you haven’t signed up yet, here you go…

Click the image to head to the sign-up page!

I’ll be sending out updates of new art when it’s available as well as other awesome news— like who’s gonna be doing covers?! Ok well, that I can share now. I will have 4 covers from the talents of Mike S. Miller, Kevin Sharpe, and Matthew Weldon, and your truly of course! I’ll be excited to share those as they are completed!

I thank you all for your support and I am really looking forward to bringing this team, this story, and this comic to life for all of you. I have a team of friends and professionals who want to help and make sure this book is the best it can be so… Thank you all! I can’t wait!

Have a super Happy Thanksgiving!

In the meantime here are some character shots I’ve been working on! Enjoy! And if you’d like to follow Shadow Sentry on Facebook you can check that page out here… @shadowsentrycomic


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